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Essentials iPhone 12 mini, PU wallet, 3 cards, Black

Etusivu Puhelimet Matkapuhelintarvikkeet Essentials iPhone 12 mini, PU wallet, 3 cards, Black
Hinnat näkyvät vain verkkokauppaan kirjautuneille käyttäjille.
Essentials iPhone 12 mini, PU wallet, 3 cards, Black (387161)

Essentials iPhone 12 mini, PU wallet, 3 cards, Black

  • Tyyppi Kotelo
  • Yhteensopivuus iPhone 12 Mini
  • Merkin Yhteensopivuus Apple
  • Color Musta

The PU Wallet is designed to complement your device for a classic appearance. The 3 card slots make it possible for you to always have your most important credit cards at hand at all time - perfect for those who want to travel light and leave their bag or wallet at home. The integrated stand function allows you to watch your favourite content wherever you wish to, as the device can be positioned in the angle that is most comfortable for you. As always, the Essentials collection has been built with style, quality and protection in mind.

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